Now it can pull data from OpenMRS server via it Reporting.REST web services.
The PDI plugin now can get EvaluatedReportDefinition data, EvaluatedCohortDefinition data and EvaluatedDataSetDefinition data to the Pentaho Spoon. It is working like a Input step.
You can also give parameters for the execution.
Guidelines for use Pentaho Data Integration plugin
- Buid the Project using maven
- Go to the project folder in your machine
- In "openmrs-contrib-reportingpdiplugin\target\classes" there will be a plugin.xml file and openmrs_logo_tiny.png file. Copy both files to a seperate folder.
- Go to "openmrs-contrib-reportingpdiplugin\target" there will be a openmrs-contrib-reportingpdiplugin-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar. Copy that file to the previous folder.
- Go to Pentaho installation folder. go to "design-tools\data-integration\plugins\steps folder" in the installation folder.
- past your folder to that location.
- Restart spoon.
- click File->new transformation
- In the transformation window click "input"
- "OpenMRS lookup" step will be shown in the list.
- Drag and drop that icon to the workspace.
- Double click on the icon
- A diolog box will be opened.
- set server url,password and username.
- if you want to get the evaluated data of a report definition, put the uuid of the report definition in the ReportDefinition text area.
- if you want to get the evaluated data of a cohort definition, put the uuid of the cohort definition in the CohortDefinition text area.
- if you want to get the evaluated data of a DataSet definition, put the uuid of the DataSet definition in the DataSetDefinition text area.
- if you want to get the evaluated data of a DataSet definition along with a Cohort Definition, put the uuid of the DataSet definition in the DataSetDefinition text area, and put the uuid of the Cohort Definition in the CohortDefinition text area.
- If any definition require parameters, give the parameters in the Parameter text area.
- parameters should separate by a ";". you should use the "name" of the parameter. not the "label" of that parameter.
- Then you can perform any transformation to the OpenMRS data which is given by the OpenMRS step plugin.
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