Sunday, September 22, 2013

Wrapping up all the work

As reaching the hard deadline of the pencil down day, I have clear up the code and, write tests and finished writing the documents. As requested by the Lluis previously i have created separate pull requested for my Reporting.REST module works.

I have created separate branches for each pull requested.

Repository for the Pentaho data integration for the OpenMRS

pull request for the PDI plugin

Additional documents 

project page for the Reporting.REST module

Documentation on Reporting.REST  :

Design page for the PDI plugin

User manual for the PDI plugin :

You Tube Video for PDI plugin

You Tube Video for Reporting.REST web services

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Finishing PDI plugin

As mentioned in the Proposal page, I finished works in the PDI plugin.

Now it can pull data from OpenMRS server via it Reporting.REST web services.
The PDI plugin now can get EvaluatedReportDefinition data, EvaluatedCohortDefinition data and EvaluatedDataSetDefinition data to the Pentaho Spoon. It is working like a Input step.

You can also give parameters for the execution.

Guidelines for use Pentaho Data Integration plugin

  • Buid the Project using maven
  • Go to the project folder in your machine
  • In "openmrs-contrib-reportingpdiplugin\target\classes" there will be a plugin.xml file and openmrs_logo_tiny.png file. Copy both files to a seperate folder.
  • Go to "openmrs-contrib-reportingpdiplugin\target" there will be a openmrs-contrib-reportingpdiplugin-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar. Copy that file to the previous folder.
  • Go to Pentaho installation folder. go to "design-tools\data-integration\plugins\steps folder" in the installation folder.
  • past your folder to that location.
  • Restart spoon.
  • click File->new transformation
  • In the transformation window click "input"
  • "OpenMRS lookup" step will be shown in the list.
  • Drag and drop that icon to the workspace.

  • Double click on the icon
  • A diolog box will be opened.
  • set server url,password and username.

  • if you want to get the evaluated data of a report definition, put the uuid of the report definition in the ReportDefinition text area.

  • if you want to get the evaluated data of a cohort definition, put the uuid of the cohort definition in the CohortDefinition text area.

  • if you want to get the evaluated data of a DataSet definition, put the uuid of the DataSet definition in the DataSetDefinition text area.

  • if you want to get the evaluated data of a DataSet definition along with a Cohort Definition, put the uuid of the DataSet definition in the DataSetDefinition text area, and put the uuid of the Cohort Definition in the CohortDefinition text area.

  • If any definition require parameters, give the parameters in the Parameter text area.

  • parameters should separate by a ";". you should use the "name" of the parameter. not the "label" of that parameter.

  • Then you can perform any transformation to the OpenMRS data which is given by the OpenMRS step plugin.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Finishing minor works in the Reporting.REST

I realized that I need to finish the EvaluatedReportResource in Reporting.REST module. We need to pull Evaluated Report data in tabular format for do transformations in the Pentaho Data Integration. 
So I completed the EvaluatedReportResource  and also the Report/Cohort/DataSet Requests classes. 

Data Sets are shown independently. 
I added search queried like

GET q={definitionName}
GET user={requestBy}
GET recent={hours}

in Request Resources. This Week I hope to finish the major parts in the pentaho project. 

Friday, August 30, 2013

PDI story Contd...

This week i tried to build, deploy and run the PDI plugin of OpenMRS. It seems it has bit old file structure. As I saw no one has touched that after February of 2012.

Still I unable to build it properly because its  tests fail. It gives a
" JsonMappingException: Can not deserialize instance of java.util.ArrayList out of START_OBJECT token " exception. . As I understood, it throws the error because of the structure of our JSON output we producing. I have to find a way to build it properly.

The existing plugin only accept a DataSet Definition and a CohortDefinition. I hope we can extend this to accept a ReportDefinition and parameters.

And I don't think we can happy about the way of  testings on the PDI module. it directly access the OpenMRS server data for testing purposes. I think it is better to use a xml test data file instead of the OpenMRS server data.

 After discussing with Darius I hope to start the implementation in the upcoming week.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Migrating to Pentaho

After working several weeks with RESTful web services, I started to work on my second phase of my project. Writing a plugin for Kettle.

First I got some undestand on Pentaho Data Integration(Kettle project).
I downloaded the Pentaho Data Integration and did some transformations with spoon.

I read the pdi_embed_extend_guide.pdf. It gives a good idea to how to start to write a plugin.
I deploy and run the example plugin.

Then I moved on to our existing OpenMRS plugin. I compared it with the given pentaho example plugin.
It has thoroughly followed the Pentaho conventions. It uses a RestClient to pull data from the REST API of OpenMRS. It is a Input step.

So my next target will be identify the improvidence which need in this release.
Hope to speedup my coding in next few days.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Reporting REST Module – Current Status


                             This document describes the operations that I have implemented and the operations that are to implemented.

  •    In ReportDefinitionResource class, “baseCohort” was added to the representation. In                        ReportDefinitionResource class, “dataSetDefintion” was added to the representation.

  •  In DataSetDefinitionResource class, “columnNames” was added to the representation. In the Design page it only has the “name” attribute under the “columnNames”. But in the DataSetMetaDataConvertor class has 3 attributes as name,lable,dataType under the “columnNames”. So I added lable,dataType in addition to the name attribute under the “columnNames”.

  •  I added a new ReportResource class as in the design page. All necessary methods have overriden in that class.  Special attributes like ContentType, Extension,Contentes were added to the representation.

          GET/ ReportResource
          GET/ ReportResource/uuid were implemented.
          Purge/delete/save operations are not yet implemented.

  • I added a new ReportProcessorResource class as in the design page. I added few special attributes to the representation like ProcessorType, Configuration, ProcessorMode, RunOnSuccess, RunOnError

          GET/ reportProcessor /uuid were implemented.
          DELETE operation is not yet implemented.

  •   In ReportRequestResource class

     GET/ reportRequest?recent=
     Were implemented.  reportDefinition/ isProcessAutomatically/schedule attributes are added to the                   representation.
           POST/ reportRequest should be implemented.

  •  I added a new DataSetRequestResource class as in the design page.

          It now supports
          GET/ DataSetRequest
          DELETE/ DataSetRequest /uuid
          POST/ DataSetRequest
          GET/ DataSetRequest /uuid

          Currently GET/ DataSetRequest /uuid only give the status of the DataSetRequest. It should be                       modified to give the result of the DataSetRequest, if it is COMPLETE.                       

  • I added a new CohortRequestResource class as in the design page.

         It now supports
         GET/ CohortRequest
         DELETE/ CohortRequest /uuid
         POST /CohortRequest
         GET/ CohortRequest /uuid

        Currently GET/ CohortRequest /uuid only give the status of the CohortRequest. It should be modified           to give the result of the DataSetRequest, if it is COMPLETE.           

Friday, July 19, 2013

Getting ready for the Mid

This week I started to working on DataSetRequestResource class CohortRequestResource class. There is no any notion about a DataSetRequest or a CohortRequest in the Reporting Module. So I had to implement these resources with the help of the existing resources. As decided in the conversation with Michael Seaton and Darius Jazayeri, I wrapped Cohort/DataSet definition in a report request and process it as a Report request. 
This week I implemented DELETE DataSetRequest or a CohortRequest,
GET DataSetRequest or a CohortRequest and POST DataSetRequest or a CohortRequest.
But still there is bit more works to do in these classes. 
After finishing these works I am planning to write test cases for my classes, in next week. Some re factoring needs to the code. I hope I will able to fill the javadoc for the classes.
I hope that would be great, if OpenMRS has  some guidelines for the interns to get a idea for them, about how the coding should go. Specially telling whether javadocs are needed for the new code. Or mentioning the need of writing test cases. 

Friday, July 12, 2013

It's 4th week......

It is almost a month, since we are being working as interns in OpenMRS.

This week few interesting things happened. As usual few discussions arranged with Lluis, Mike and Rafal.

I added two new files to the module. ReportResource and ReportProcessorResource files were added to the module. All the operation were implemented.

Few questions arose because, some proposed operations are not supported from the reporting API. And some classes like CohortRequest and DataSetRequest are not present in the Reporting module. There are some design  problems regarding this two classes. Mike proposed to discuss this topic in a design call or in dev list.

So in next few days I should try to contact the relating people and try to figure out how we can handle this problem. In the software development life cycle.. which is generally design , development , evolution., I feel it is time to do dome Designing works again...!

Friday, July 5, 2013

3rd week.... Many more to come.....

Third week of the Google Summer Of Code. Things are getting much more interested.
Spent lot of time with the code. Finally I added few new features to the Reporting rest module.
Actually reporting rest module is depend on the reporting module, and OpenMRS core.

I hope I will get a good understand about the architecture of the OpenMRS after this project.
Actually I should appreciate the contribution of Lluis's and Roger. Roger has many good Designing's in his mind. He always look for the quality of the final product. I think that is essential for a good product.
Next week I have to do many things. I hope to spend the weekend by debugging the code.
I believe that will also help me to be more familiar with writing test cases for the reporting rest.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Week 2, GSOC

This week was also quite interesting week.
On 27th we had a small presentation in developers forum. I also participated that. Unfortunately my mic was not working. So they called me. I did my presentation via Phone.
This week I spent lot of time with discuss about the .
I gained valuable thoughts from Roger.
I also contacted my primary mentor Mike Seaton.
I had some discussions with my mentor Lluis... He helped me to identify my project scope.
Most of the week spent on finalizing the project requirement. I hope to speedup my work in next week and implement and write test cases for REST web services.

Waiting Hopefully for the next week...!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

First week of GSoC

It was a very interesting experience going through the 1st week of Google Summer Of code with OpenMRS. 
I spent a lot of time of the 1st week to getting familiar with the code. I Imported

  • Reporting Module
  • Reportingrest

Modules to eclipse and studied the code. 

First I tried to understand the information flow of the Rest web services. 
I followed Wiki page. Page was initial outdated and Rafal updated the page according to the new class structure.

Then I watched and followed the Screen cast, to get a understand about the features of the reporting module.

Also I test the Reporting Rest web services through Google Chrome Advanced Rest Client extension.

It was a really nice experience to get in to my Gsoc project after My semester exam. Hope to speed up my work in the next week.

Friday, May 31, 2013

Google summer of code with OpenMRS

                              After long time hard working.., I accepted as a GSOC student under OpenMRS. I am very interested in open source software development and I am very happy to get this chance.
                             This was not something got from over a night. I started to work and understand openMRS from this January. There are few people I should mention here. I should thank Rafal Korytkowski who helped me to build and run openmrs succesfully in eclipse long time ago. that was a turning point. And Daniel Kayiwa and Wyclif Luyima helped me to work on tickets. their comments were very helpful for me to work on the tickets. Then my thanks goes to Darius Jazayeri who helped me to make my initial proposal very complete. he always gave me clear and wise advices to improve my proposal. Then I should thank Lluis Martinez who helped me to compose my acceptd proposal. I appreciate his quick and complete replies. Finally I should thanks Michael Downey who helped me in several critical situations.
                            This summer I hope to work with OpenMRS with "Reporting Web Services and Pentaho Integration Enhancements". I should put my maximum effort to make the project success.